Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thoughts on My Cheracter

Abdu'l-Baha is the main character in my anthology story. A newsletter that I just received from Writer's Digest encourages writers to have their main character answer nine different questions. I am going to present those questions here in my blog, and then give an answer that would match with the lifestyle of Abdu'l=Baha.

This is the first question: "How do you learn best?"

As the character Adu'l-Baha I learn best by communing with God. I pray frequently throughout each day. While in prayer, I am focused on the messages that God has sent to us through his various manifestations. Those messages help me to discover a solution to any problem.

Now I do not overlook written information about new scientfic findings. I read that material as well. However, I try to match what I read in present day publications with what I read in the Scriptures and other Holy books.

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