Friday, May 14, 2010

Thoughts for Friends

Today, the Universal House of Justice has asked Baha'is around the world to pray for the "Yaran," the seven Baha'i Friends who are in a prison cell, in Iran. I have found two passages from the writings of Abdu'l-Baha that I feel represent a proper way to honor the sacrifice made by those 7 people. Here are those quotes:

"Ye are the anges, if your feet be firm, your spirits rejoiced, yur secret thoughts pure, your eyes consuled, your ears opened, your breasts dilated with joy, and your souls gladdened, and if you arise to assist the Covenant, to resist dissension and to be attracted to the Effulgence!" from Tablets of Abdu'l-Baha Abbas

"At all times do I speak of you and call you to mind. I pray unto the Lord, and with tears I implore Him to rain down all these blessings upon you, and gladden your hearts, and make blissful your souls, and grant you exceeding joy and heavenly delights..." from Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha.

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